China, Uyghurs and Thailand

Canada and the US offered to resettle 48 Uyghurs held in Thailand, but Bangkok declined to avoid upsetting China and deported ...
Thailand was widely condemned for the deportation of the 100 Uyghurs, with international concerns they could be tortured.
Jeffrey Wasserstrom
March 8, 2025 • Thailand's recent deportations of Uyghurs to China have eerie parallels with a large deportation in 2015, in which the country bowed to Beijing, writes historian Jeffrey Wasserstrom.
Regardless of official spin, the government's decision to deport 40 Uyghurs to China was a strategic mistake on multiple levels.The ill-considered move undermined Thailand's geostrategic balancing ...
As the Taliban crack down on Uyghur fighters, complying with pressure from China, the Islamic States sees a recruiting ...
My name is Yalkun Uluyol. Thank you for inviting me to this important session of the cross-party parliamentary league for ...
As no other country made a firm commitment to welcome the ethnic Uyghurs detained in China for over a decade, deporting them to China was the best solution, according to Russ Jalichandra ...