Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Los Angeles County and the cities of Pasadena and Sierra Madre have all filed lawsuits against Southern California Edison ...
According to census demographer Kristie Wilder, the population rise in cities is increasingly being “influenced by ...
Baron & Budd filed the lawsuits on Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court against Southern California Edison over damages ...
As Los Angeles recovers from historic wildfires, both previously unsheltered and chronically homeless people are facing even ...
L.A. County joined San Francisco and other jurisdictions in the U.S. that have codified a ‘right to counsel ordinance.’ ...
Los Angeles County along with the cities of Pasadena and Sierra Madre have all filed a lawsuit against Southern California ...
Los Angeles County and the city of Pasadena filed separate lawsuits against Southern California Edison on Wednesday over the Eaton Fire, alleging the utility's electrical equipment caused the ...