His descendant Rudolf Hess, the Auschwitz commander, was responsible for the extermination of roughly 400,000 Hungarian Jews at the death camp in June 1944. BUDAPEST (JTA) — Rainer Hoess ...
Blame it also on the ghostly place where we are talking: the house, right next to the original Auschwitz camp, where its commandant, Rudolf Höss, lived with his family from May 1940 through ...
Oswiecim (Auschwitz) – Eine US-amerikanische Stiftung gegen Extremismus hat die ehemalige Villa des Auschwitz-Kommandanten Rudolf Höß gekauft. Das Haus direkt neben dem früheren deutschen ...
In his memoirs, Rudolf Höss wrote of the murders that took place that spring of 1942: "It was most important that the whole business of arriving and undressing should take place in an atmosphere ...