One scientist, who's been studying blue-green algae, says little is known about its affect on wildlife.
A data scientist who correctly predicted elections in 2020 and 2021 is back to throw his analytical hat in the ring — and ...
For the 2024 presidential race, Miller is again employing PredictIt, a U.S. political betting site, for his forecasts. He ...
Trending A Twitter data scientist who was all set to resign reportedly told CEO Elon Musk as part of a final shot what a lot ...
When we think creatively, produce novel ideas, or otherwise have “Eureka” moments, we may actually unlock access to a ...
The election has "gone from a drastic landslide in Trump's direction to a drastic landslide for Harris," marvels Northwestern ...
A University of Arizona scientist is a co-author in an international study that has zeroed in on a short list of animals from ...
Ezzeldeen Alswerky was awarded a biochemistry research assistant position in June but is currently stranded in Gaza ...
As a humorous comment on the gamification of daily life, it is hard to beat this tweet from 2021: “ I think Sisyphus would be ...
Using betting markets rather than traditional polls, Thomas Miller has predicted a landslide for the Democrat in November.
Chances are you have heard a woman poking fun at a man in her life for having a cold and not handling it very well. Research ...