Living in New England is a hot commodity. The northeast and the Pacific coast are the most expensive regions to live in in the US. According to a US News article, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, ...
I have a bad habit of ALWAYS drinking tap water wherever I go. For the most part in New England, that is totally fine. And since I grew up in Massachusetts, and have lived in New Hampshire for over 10 ...
We hear about restaurants closing all the time, and it can happen for a multitude of reasons. Anneke Jans has proudly stood in Kittery Foreside for the past two decades. It has been a place for the ...
They say cats have nine lives and this story is making me believe that statement is true. You hear tales all the time about cats going missing and then MANY months later they resurface in a different ...
Winter calls for tubing, sledding, skiing, and...LIGHT SHOWS. Light shows often occur during winter months for two reasons. 1. It gets darker earlier. So more time to display the show (not just at 10 ...
If you are a bartender around the country, you will quickly learn not all establishment rules are created equal. This especially applies to handling customers who have had too much to drink, or are on ...
So, I had a beautiful weekend, family and friends were over, the kids were running around being crazy, we were thoroughly enjoying our Sunday. Little did I know, the visit would end with me having to ...
If you've been living in New England for a while you have seen your fair share of Winter Weather Warnings whether they are from a local police department's Facebook page or on a highway sign. They ...
Since moving to New Hampshire, I have seen many Facebook posts over the years about various animals escaping from their homes/barns and running around town. Everything from goats to chickens to pigs ...
Have you ever seen a bike on skis? I had not, until this weekend - and we may be seeing more of them across New England ski resorts in the upcoming years. SNO-GO Ski Bikes via Youtube, Canva SNO-GO ...
As the temperatures continue to drop, winter activities continue to grow. Ice fishing and ice skating can really only begin in New England after multiple weeks in a row of below-freezing temperatures.
I have said it before, and I will say it again - beef people are their own bread. If you don't know what I mean when I say "beef people," I'm referring to people who love roast beef sandwiches.