As the government prepares to make deep cuts to welfare payments, Sir Keir Starmer has called the benefits system the “worst ...
The Government and the DWP are expected to reveal benefit cuts, which will affect disability benefits, PIP, and Universal ...
It is your responsibility to report any change in circumstances to the DWP - but from this April, the DWP will begin ...
A young mum has claimed her Universal Credit payment disappeared within 24 hours as it all goes on childcare and bills ...
Universal Credit payments will increase next month however another change is being brought in which claimants need to be ...
According to reports, the DWP could impose stricter criteria for PIP, freeze payments in line with inflation, and alter the ...
The Treasury will put the proposed cuts to the government's official forecaster, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), ...
Your Universal Credit claim can be affected by how much savings and investments you have - and one rule could land you in ...
From April this system is expected to change with the DWP also prompting Universal Credit claimants to confirm whether or not ...
Labour Party government is reportedly set to unleash a staggering £6 billion worth of cuts as we head through the month and ...
The DWP is looking to slash billions off the benefits bill by pushing the sick back to work - here's what we know so far ...
Millie, a 21-year-old mum-of-three, explained that her nursery fees are over £2,000 a month alone - causing her benefits ...