(39%) and diverse activities for all age groups (34%)However, increased health and safety concerns (30%), conflicting ...
Cybercrime and online fraud is not new, and is something many companies from across a wide range of industries have to contend with as a persistent reality of our increasingly digital lives. In fact, ...
逾 7 成台灣 Z 世代受社群影響旅遊動機 期待來一場獨旅冒險 「影劇同款」、「Me Time」、「AI科技」、「深度體驗」、「高CP值」成Z世代5大旅遊關鍵字! (臺北訊)2024/08/23 –「Z世代」(於 1997 ...
(臺北訊)2024/08/16 – 「高雄」近 2 年作為國內外知名歌手的演唱會首選之一,讓港都之城也備受關注。除了接踵而至的演唱會以外,「高雄」也是不容錯過的觀光之地,Booking.com 特別推薦「4 ...
香港,2024年9月2日 – 新加坡即將掀起刺激的賽車熱潮,各個賽車愛好者都急不及待去觀看車手穿梭在濱海灣公路賽道上,感愛熾熱的氛圍。同時,新加坡還有許多刺激活動等待旅客探索。
While crowds flock to the world’s most popular destinations this peak travel season, Booking.com’s research reveals that a ...
Even amidst a year of uncertainty and untold challenges for the entire travel industry, 2020 proved the world is still full of amazing hospitality and great hosts ready to provide people with ...
A cachaça (também conhecida como pinga, marvada, água-que-passarinho-não-bebe, entre outros incontáveis apelidos) é um patrimônio da história e da cultura brasileira, com mais de 1.200 … Ler mais ...
Booking.com is one of the world’s leading online travel platforms, connecting travelers with the widest choice of incredible places to stay, countless memorable experiences and attractions as well as ...
El 52% de los viajeros españoles de la comunidad LGTBI+ ha experimentado “discriminación” durante sus viajesopens in new window EnglishEnglish ...
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This week, Booking.com launched a campaign to incentivize those customers in the United States who had to cancel their bookings within the country as a result of government travel restrictions related ...