Dr. Cromartie is the Director of Doctoral Studies at the United States Sports Academy. He can be contacted at [email protected] ...
All athletic trainers should be concerned with how stress and anxiety affect their athletes. Many athletes struggle with stress and anxiety on a daily basis. Each athlete reacts to the stress and ...
Coaches play a very important role in sport. In general, coaches teach and lead their players to complete tasks that govern their performance. There is plenty of research concerning coaches’ ...
The dream of many high school athletes and their parents is that someday the athlete will enter the lucrative world of professional sports. But many people do not understand just how unlikely a career ...
It could be said that the world’s best athletes are always in control. It can be defined as mental control, as their recognition of specific situations within the game and how they can appropriately ...
Balance and stability work as one to ensure that athletes can control their bodies during a particular movement. Although closely related, they are very different in terms of application. A successful ...
A new substance has found its way into the ranks of bodybuilding. It is not a growth hormone, nor an anabolic steroid, nor any other type of performance-enhancing drug. It is Synthol. The effects of ...
Strength training is not a modern invention. Egyptian tombs show pictures of lifting bags filled with sand and stone swinging and throwing exercises. These types of things were also popular in early ...
The following will provide a broad overview of key factors involved in developing an Athletic Profile for athletes, including some of the tests utilized to assess athletes’ strengths, weaknesses, and ...
Merriam-Webster (2007) defines bias as a “bent or tendency; an inclination of temperament or outlook; especially: a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment.” Gender bias further defines the ...
Strength training is not a modern invention. Egyptian tombs show pictures of lifting bags filled with sand and stone swinging and throwing exercises. These types of things were also popular in early ...