In his November 22 Instagram video, Rick shared his security camera footage of what unfolded on his property. The cameras spotted a coyote that ran after his orange cat. The coyote lifted the cat with his mouth, shaking the feline back and forth. But the cat didn't give up. The two rolled around in the dirt as Rick ran outside.
Dr. Bandbaz noticed most deaths happen within a year of getting a motorcycle. From new riders in their twenties, to older adults getting back on after a long hiatus. After lengthy research, his professor connected him with a Nevada lawmaker. Together, they worked to create the new law.
Missing Nevada teen Jennaleah Hin was found deceased near Desert Sunflower Circle on January 5. The Henderson Police Department later confirmed that the Nevada teen died by suicide from a gunshot wound.
A plane belonging to a pilot who has been missing since early January has been discovered with “significant damage” in a remote mountainous area of Nevada.
A judge on Tuesday dismissed only part of a wrongful death lawsuit filed against the Nevada Department of Corrections alleging that the death of an inmate who was beaten before being found unresponsive in his cell had been “swept under the rug.
President Donald Trump announced he will make his first trip to Nevada of his second term in office following his inauguration.
A new acting U.S. attorney for Nevada has been named under the Trump administration to replace Jason Frierson, who resigned ahead of the new president’s inauguration, according to a news release from the Department of Justice.
A new wildfire was reported today at 8:52 a.m. in Nevada County. Ranch Fire has been burning on private land. At this time, there is no data on the containment status of the fire and the cause has yet to be determined.
The new Trump Administration in Washington, D.C., means major changes are coming to federal policies on immigration — some of them have already started.
The State of Nevada will be joining 21 other states and municipalities in a lawsuit against the Trump administration seeking to protect birthright citizenship.
The Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority plans to use other programs, not just building to help fix the crisis.
After Gov. Joe Lombardo took aim in his State of the State address at an ever-expanding number of boards and commissions that operate in Nevada with minimal oversight, a plan to reform the system