Taking the reins as the Rexburg Chamber’s new CEO has been an eye-opening experience for Diane Bruce. The 54-year-old Rexburg woman took over the role from Janalyn Holt, who stepped down in December to tend to some family issues.
The Rexburg Police Department says around 2:00 P.M, an officer tried to stop a motorcycle for going 60 in a 35 MPH zone. The motorcycle attempted to flee at high speeds and even ran a red light. The motorcyclist attempted to hide in a residential area, but officers were able to find the bike and charged the driver with fleeing and eluding.
Arthur Kranz is a second-grader at Gem Prep Pocatello, but he spends most of his day in a third-grade classroom.  “It’s just fun and amazing,” Kranz said. “It’s a chance to get a higher-learning opportunity.
"I'm not from here and I'm not used to Idaho winters. I don't think I knew how cold, cold was until I moved up here. And so when the family Crisis Center told me about their need for blankets and coats,
Supporters of the bill focused their arguments on efficiency, while some opponents cite a lack of data could bring potential litigation.
ITD representatives said their three largest area projects moving into spring include the replacement of interstate bridges near Inkom, the expansion of I-15 between Northgate Pocatello and Fort Hall,
Currently, the firing squad is Idaho’s secondary method. Sen. Doug Ricks, R-Rexburg, presented the bill ... Senate Assistant Minority Leader James Ruchti, D-Pocatello, an attorney, discussed the lack of data on firing squads as an inmate execution ...