“Over the course of next year, Putin will likely face mounting domestic problems. Russia’s central bank has forecast economic growth of 0.5 to 1.5 per cent in 2025, down from 3.5 to 4 per cent in 2024, suggesting that the wartime boom may have run its course.”
Australia said Wednesday that "all options are open" in its response to the reported killing of one of its citizens after his capture by Russian forces in Ukraine. Asked how Australia would react if the killing was confirmed,
A foreign soldier who trained Oscar Jenkins to fight in Ukraine accused Russian troops of torturing and executing the Australian man to make an example of him.
Learner Tien has become the youngest American man to reach the Australian Open’s third round since Pete Sampras in 1990.
Canberra is making "urgent inquiries" about the status of Australian citizen Oscar Jenkins, a volunteer soldier captured by Russia in Ukraine, after unconfirmed reports of his death, the 7News outlet wrote on Jan.
Australia has summoned Russia’s ambassador to the country over reports that a Melbourne man was killed after being captured while fighting for Ukraine. Anthony Albanese said on Wednesday that his government was “gravely concerned” about Oscar Jenkins, a 32-year-old teacher, who was captured by Russian forces last year.
Amid reports of a Melbourne man killed after being captured by Russia while fighting for Ukraine, the Australian government on Wednesday summoned Russian ambassador and said if he will be harmed, it w
Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says his government will take the “strongest action possible” if Russia has harmed an Australian who was taken prisoner while fighting for Ukraine ...
In a new book, Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner urges the U.S. and Europe to join together in a “Freedom Trade Alliance” against China, Russia and other autocracies.
Two friends from California, Learner Tien and Alex Michelsen, have both reached the fourth round at the Australian Open. Tien is 19, and Michelsen is 20.