Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), Federal Reserve Bank of St ... “Jobs and Unemployment.” Go to chart “Unemployment rate of workers age 16 and older by race and ethnicity, January ...
For Black men age 20 and older, the unemployment rate notably declined to 5.5% in February from 6.9% in January.
Mar. 4—New Hampshire's unemployment rate ticked up to 2.9% in January. The rate was 2.8% in December and 2.3% in January 2024, according to the Department of Employment Security. The 22,290 ...
It can be easy to forget, or look away from, the pain and disruption of the pandemic. The numbers will be there to remind us.
February jobs report shows an increase in nonfarm payroll, but highlights a rise in the U-6 unemployment rate to 8%. Click to ...
OTTAWA - The national unemployment rate was 6.6 per cent in February. Statistics Canada also released seasonally adjusted, three-month moving average unemployment rates for major cities.
Explore the recent market shift favoring value stocks over growth stocks, the banking sector's unique trends, macroeconomic ...
MoMo Productions/Getty Images Only nine states have unemployment rates of 3% or lower—well below the national average of 4.1%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Leading the ...
The unemployment rate edged higher in January, as workforce participation hit a record high as more people were in work or looking for jobs, and workers waited to start roles after the summer.
OTTAWA - Canada’s national unemployment rate was 6.6 per cent in February. Here are the jobless rates last month by province (numbers from the previous month in brackets): ...