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In the southern state of Bavaria, two of Hitler’s closest associates, Adolf Wagner and Hans Frank ... Strasser never addressed Hitler as Mein Führer, only Herr Hitler. Hitler and Strasser divided ...
On March 23, the Reichstag delegates met across the street from the burned ruins of the Reichstag in the Kroll Opera House.
Hitler was furious when he learned that Strasser had met with Schleicher to explore potential cooperation. He accused ...
(This is the second part of a three-part series. Read the third part.) So complicated is the German Führer’s Austrian genealogy that it was finally charted in a Nazi exhibition, aptly entitled ...
Adolf Hitler ... Programmschrift „Mein Kampf“. Ein Messias verkündet Hassbotschaften Der Sound der mehr als 400 Seiten zieht sich auch durch die Botschaften, die Hitler im Umfeld der ...
In contemporary U.S. politics, it is common to hear, “he/she should not be in office!” from both sides of the political spectrum. I get it; I do not want to believe the country is operating under ...