That expeditionary squadron, which contains four B-52s, air crew and other airmen needed to support the bombers, deployed ...
Two B-52s escorted by Gripens conducted a flyover of the Swedish Parliament for the first anniversary of Sweden's accession ...
Sweden's Defence Materiel Administration (Försvarets materielverk: FMV) has confirmed the delivery of a new command ...
Over the past year, there have been a number of incidents, including cyber attacks, drone flights over sensitive areas and ...
While the U.S. was absent from the Paris meeting where 30 army chiefs from across the alliance met on Tuesday, two U.S. B-52 ...
Two U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortresses from the 69th Expeditionary Squadron conducted the bomber aircraft’s first-ever ...
Confidence in America's role in safeguarding its allies in Europe is wavering, while Washington has launched into a trade war ...
Package includes 18 Archer mobile artillery systems, 5 Arthur counter-battery radar systems, and financial support for ...
The nation's security service says there is a "tangible risk" of the security situation deteriorating further.