The kayak rental service is intended to be an unmanned, standalone unit that operates with a vendor-managed mobile app.
A time capsule will be sealed next year and kept at the municipal complex on Commons Way and not to be opened until July 4, ...
Two longtime family-owned apartment complexes in Union County were recently sold for $12 million. Commercial real estate firm ...
Bridgewater Township, NJ will likely not present its annual budget until April, past the state's extended deadline. The ...
Democratic Mayor Sam Joshi has received the Edison Democratic Organization's endorsement for another four-year term.
The nationwide search for Patricia Hearst, the kidnap victim turned bank robber turned wanted fugitive, hit close to home ...
The 21.5-acre once historic farm dating back to 1831 was redeveloped through a local, county and state partnership.
If you suspect your child is using drugs or alcohol, it's crucial to approach the situation with care and thoughtfulness.
New Jersey became the first state to officially recognize horticultural therapy through Horticultural Therapy Week, ...
Naviance is a free iPhone app that is extremely helpful in identifying the likelihood of a student gaining acceptance to a ...
Yousuf Nadi, 18, of Monmouth Junction, and the passengers in the pickup truck were allegedly fleeing a crime when Nadi failed ...
Three men have been arrested and charged with two home robberies in Franklin and Hillsborough in October, Somerset County ...