After an insane regular season going 19-1 and winning the conference, Garden City has moved on to the third round/semi finals ...
On Day 4 of Discovery Bicycle Tours’ six-day Idaho Trails trip, after breakfast at our base at the Silver Mountain Resort, we are shuttled to Shoshone Park in the mining town of Mullan for an easy ...
For many years segments of the real estate purchasing population around Long Island and throughout the U.S.A. have used the 5000+ year old Asian custom called Feng Shui. The word Feng (wind) and Shui ...
Tracy Beckerman is the author of the Amazon Bestseller, “Barking at the Moon: A Story of Life, Love, and Kibble,” available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble online! You can visit her at ...
Volunteers will receive one hour for every poem they submit, at the discretion of the Tweens and Teens Department. If you ...
Personalize a bucket or container with the birthday child’s name, and fill with age-appropriate art and craft supplies like paper, crayons, pencils, glitter, paste, scissors, ruler, tape and a pencil ...
So, despite all these ridiculous rumors to the contrary, Social Security benefit checks are NOT being sent to people who died a long time ago.
Students in 6 th grade German class with Mrs. Basile learned about the German holiday of “Fasching”. The students watched authentic videos of people celebrating Fasching. Then the students compared ...
So, what’s the best strategy for reducing your salt intake? Cook at home (controlling the amount of salt you add and using herbs and spices instead) and limit your consumption of processed and ...
Trustee Torino’s recent letter is replete with the very misinformation that he complains of. Laudably, he urges people to remain positive with their perspective and complete the upcoming survey.
The Town of Hempstead helps residents dispose of hazardous materials from their homes in a manner that is safe and environmentally acceptable. By disposing of household toxins correctly, we help to ...
However, the mayor describes an alternative method to hold a referendum, and that would be for the Board of Trustees to vote to hold a “mandatory referendum.” A mandatory referendum would allow voters ...