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英国射击运动员露丝·姆万敦巴(Ruth Mwandumba)在身怀双胞胎6个月的情况下,参加于3月7日至13日在克罗地亚奥西耶克举行的射击欧锦赛。这位坚韧不拔的英国运动员向Olympics.com独家分享了她在怀孕期间的训练经历,以及她如何推动射击运动在多元化方面的发展。
À Nove Mesto, en Tchéquie, le Suédois Sebastian Samuelsson a survolé la poursuite hommes. Johannes Boe reprend le dossard jaune de leader à son compatriote Sturla Holm Lægreid. Quentin Fillon Maillet ...
Britain's Mwandumba will be competing at the European Championships while six months pregnant with twins, which has been quite the learning curve as she told in an exclusive interview.