The Au Pair follows the life of seamstress Zoe Dalton (Sally Bretton), who seems to have it all — a successful husband Chris ...
The story – about a clearly up-to-no-good childminder gaslighting her new employer – is absurd. The cast is familiar, if not ...
The new four-part thriller series will see Sir David Suchet return to our screens for the first time in several years, but ...
Au Pair airs nightly at 9pm on Channel 5, with episodes to be released on streaming service, My5.
The Au Pair follows seamstress Zoe Dalton who lives in the Cotswolds with her husband and employs an au pair to ease the ...
However, things start to unravel for Zoe as she deals with mounting pressure, work mishaps and personal problems. As well as ...
Nothing is as it seems in Channel 5's new thriller The Au Pair, which sees Poirot's David Suchet return to our screens.
In it, you play George, who's looked after by his daughter Zoe (Sally Bretton) and her husband Chris (Kenny Doughty) when ...
There is a new drama that viewers can get their teeth into, coming to Channel 5, called The Au Pair. The cast list of the ...
Channel 5's The Au Pair follows a bespoke dressmaker named Zoe who hires an au pair named Sandrine - but mysterious accidents ...
The Au Pair is about to air on Channel 5 and it follows a bespoke dressmaker who hires an au pair named Sandrine. While it ...
The new Channel 5 drama The Au Pair stars David Suchet and Sally Bretton and will air over the course of the week ...