A stretch limousine snakes around the blind turns of Mulholland Drive, at night ... the limo passenger who will come to be known as Rita (Laura Harring)—or is it Camilla?— ...
But, time flies and Rita's opaque past demands answers. After all, both women deserve the truth. What is the secret of the serpentine, dream-crushing Mulholland Drive?
Mulholland-Drive.net, however ... becomes an amnesiac Diane (who initially named herself after Rita Hayworth). Diane becomes Betty, a new, innocent version of herself. The mysterious blonde ...
Lynch's surreal mystery-noir was conceived and shot as a TV pilot for ABC, who promptly cancelled the proposed series after watching said pilot. However, Lynch decided to rework the failed pilot into ...
‘You look like someone else,’ Naomi Watts’ Betty tells Laura Harring’s Rita in Mulholland Drive (2001), as Rita dons a blonde wig with a striking resemblance to Betty’s hairdo; an attempt at disguise ...
Now, Betty and Rita embark on a mission to unearth clues scattered all over Hollywood. Is there a shocking truth hiding in plain sight on the winding Mulholland Drive?