Using historical forecasts, reservoir storage and river flow data, scientists found that FIRO, combined with a planned second spillway at New Bullards Bar, could provide additional flood storage ...
A memo from an Army Corps of Engineers officer shows water managers and lawmakers pushed back against the Trump ...
Curran says power production at the dam will be shut down this week for an underwater inspection… Curran says they will then use the spillway gates for flows into the Missouri River…. Curran says they ...
The disease has no vaccine, cure or specific treatment and symptoms can include sore muscles, skin rashes, fever, fatigue and headaches, lasting for weeks to months. Ross River virus (RRV) was ...
Amidst the ongoing heavy rain and snowfall in the higher reaches of Himachal Pradesh, the Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) opened the spillway gates of the Pandoh Dam on the Beas River on Friday as ...
Gate River Run enters year 48 on Saturday morning in Jacksonville Tim Repper is among 18 streakers -- runners to complete every 15K since the race's inception The punishing Hart Bridge spans 3,844 ...
CARROLL COUNTY, Ark. (KOAM) — Despite the winter weather, Wednesday morning, USACE Little Rock District engineers opened two spillway gates at Beaver Dam to evacuate flood storage from recent heavy ...
Former Bolles track and cross country state champion Charles Hicks is racing the Gate River Run Hicks, who grew up in Great Britain, owns two European Junior championships (This story has been ...