According to Android Police, T-Mobile has added Google’s latest phones to its beta test of direct-to-cell satellite service powered by SpaceX’s Starlink. iPhones and a select few Samsung phones were ...
Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, has been ‘interacting’ a lot with Google CEO Sundar Pichai on social media lately.
Some of the most exclusive seats at President Donald Trump’s inauguration were reserved for powerful tech CEOs who also are ...
a live telecast from SpaceX showed. The launch marks a milestone for the country's growing private space sector and for Google-backed Pixxel, a five-year-old startup. The satellites aim to use ...
Elon Musk’s SpaceX suspects a fire is to blame for his 400-foot-tall Starship imploding in space after launching from Texas — sending trails of flaming debris raining down near the Caribbean.
Here’s how it works. Starlink is the name of a satellite network developed by the private spaceflight company SpaceX to provide low-cost internet to remote locations. A Starlink satellite has a ...
ANALYSIS: For years, the biggest tech giants have battled amongst themselves (remember when Zuckberg and Musk were going to ...
MICHAEL BROWN is a Partner at Shield Capital, a Senior Distinguished Fellow at the Institute for Security and Technology, and ...