Lord Vallance took part in a multinational teleconference in February 2020 after which the lab-leak hypothesis was allegedly ...
Lord Vallance took part in a multinational teleconference in February 2020 after which the lab-leak hypothesis was allegedly ...
Wuhan city is where the deadly coronavirus pandemic first emerged before dramatically spreading across the globe and bringing ...
On the fifth anniversary of the COVID outbreak, a new book examines where American science — and politics — went wrong.
THE probe into the origins of Covid was the biggest intelligence failure since Pearl Harbour and the cover-up was bigger than ...
Your health is not in safe hands, claims a new book Follow the Science by Sharyl Attkisson, an American investigative ...
Should Marty Makary take the reins at the FDA, transitioning from gadfly to the head of an agency that regulates a fifth of ...
ARROGANT scientists engineered Covid in a lab – and underestimated its danger before it leaked, the former head of America’s ...
As the world marks five years since the devastating arrival of Covid-19 , new revelations continue to emerge about the ...
We do not need a ‘Day of Reflection’ – we need a tough, hard-headed appraisal of how our pandemic response led to such tragic ...
Mark Hammersley is a survivor. Standing in the Welsh sun, smiling broadly with an outreaching hand to welcome me, he looks the picture of good health.