To make glass from soft tissue the sequence of events must be exactly right. This is how experts think it went down ...
B.C.'s finance minister will release the province's budget on Tuesday while bracing for the impact of U.S. imposed tariffs.
A rare organic glass was found inside a skull from Herculaneum’s 79 CE Vesuvius eruption. Researchers determined that a super ...
Who knows? The illustrious ancient city, renowned for its refinement, was in fact the result of the genius of several peoples—including barbarians—who contributed to its splendor before Rome took ...
An ancient Roman villa has resurfaced from Italy’s Lake Fusaro due to shifting land, revealing walls and rooms submerged for ...
Welcome to my channel Mr Sagoo where you will learn how to make hand made crafts, presents, toys,life hack, The main thing is ...
For the second night in a row, Pacific (10-16) was able to secure a win in the final minutes, this time at home against Herculaneum (3-20), 39-35. The victory came just 24 hours after a 39-38 road win ...
The remains of a young man, found in his bed in the destroyed town of Herculaneum, included glassy fragments that had mystified archaeologists ...