7 Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Providencia, Chile 8 Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), Escuela de Ciencias de la Actividad Física, el Deporte y la Salud, ...
Background The effects of the menstrual cycle on exercise participation and performance are poorly researched. Menstrual blood loss is a leading cause of iron deficiency (ID) and ultimately iron ...
Sexual harassment and abuse occur in all sports and at all levels with an increased risk at the elite level. The physical and psychological consequences of sexual harassment and abuse are significant ...
1 Research Institute MOVE, Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2 Center for Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen/University ...
A systematic search of published reports was carried out in three electronic databases from 1966 on to identify relevant articles relating to tennis injuries. There were 39 case reports, 49 laboratory ...
Objectives: To determine the pacing strategies adopted by elite rowers in championship 2000 m races. Methods: Split times were obtained for each boat in every heavyweight race of the Olympic Games in ...
Objective: To prospectively investigate tendon thickness and tendon structure by ultrasonography in patients treated with eccentric calf muscle training for painful chronic Achilles tendinosis located ...
Background Identification of high-risk sports, including their most common and severe injuries and illnesses, will facilitate the identification of sports and athletes at risk at an early stage. Aim ...
Objective Resistance training (RT) improves walking ability in persons with peripheral artery disease. We conducted a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the effect of ...
Correspondence to Robert H Mann, Children's Health and Exercise Research Centre, Department of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4PY, Devon, UK; rm537{at}exeter.ac.uk If you ...
Neurologist and Sports Physician Centre for Sports Medicine Research and Education and the Brain Research Institute, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 3052 ...
Background: The capacity of the plantar sole of the foot to convey information about foot position is reduced by conventional smooth boot insoles, compared with barefoot surface contact. Objective: To ...