"I'm wondering if he will inherit my pronunciation because I am his mother, and I am his biggest English-speaking influence ...
"Michelin inspectors have taken notice, placing the first Georgian establishments in their vaunted guide, with spots in New ...
Global Voices se solidariza con las ONG que están bajo ataque de fiscalía general de Serbia y condena firmemente que la ...
"Los lugareños han estado utilizando el árbol durante años sin que haya estado amenazado. Principalmente han usado la corteza ...
In their own words, Betawi language activists talk about preserving the language of Indonesia's capital city, role of the ...
One of the projects initiated as part of a development plan was the construction of a new road to the Kalbajar region — one ...
Global Voices stands in solidarity with the NGOs being attacked by the public prosecutor's office in Serbia and strongly ...
"[It's] about the lives of women and their children, and their relationships with men ...I push back at the idea that there ...
A cinco años de 2030, cuando se espera que los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de Naciones Unidas se materialicen, es importante hablar de la igualdad de las mujeres a nivel global.
“El Grupo de La Haya es un hito importante para desarrollar acciones internacionales organizadas contra el genocidio, ocupación militar, segregación racial y limpieza étnica a e pueblo de Palestina”.
Fongbe (Fon) is the most widely-spoken local language in Southern Benin but this language is gradually losing its place as a ...
The mutiny was “the single-most impactful development in that nation’s history since becoming independent in 1962 [as it] it ...