Sacha es el principal productor de crudo del país y el objetivo es aumentar la producción de 75.000 b/d a 100.000 b/d.
Sacha is the country's principal crude producer and the goal is to increase output to 100,000b/d from 75,000b/d.
El contrato contempla una inversión de US$10.9mn y consiste en un camino de 3.8 kilómetros que conectará el futuro puente con ...
O contrato inclui um investimento de US$ 10,9 milhões e consiste em uma estrada de 3,8 quilômetros que conectará a futura ...
The contract includes an investment of US$10.9mn and consists of a 3.8-kilometer road that will connect the future bridge ...
Fotovoltaico Inversión Privada Etanol Transición a energías limpias Eólico costa adentro Evaluación ambiental Hidrógeno verde Mostrar 2 Más Ocultar 2 Temas ...
Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Análisis, reportajes, noticias y entrevistas sobre tu industria en inglés, español y portugués.
Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
This latest FPSO (ONE GUYANA), commissioned by SBM Offshore for ExxonMobil Guyana, is designed to produce approximately 250,000 barrels of oil per day ...
Este último FPSO (ONE GUYANA), encomendado pela SBM Offshore para a ExxonMobil Guyana, foi projetado para produzir aproximadamente 250.000 barris de ...
Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.