While some fans of Deppea splendens hope another stand of the plant may exist somewhere in Southern Mexico or Guatemala, Almeda believes the species is almost certainly extinct in the wild. “It’s a ...
While there are many hundreds of species of hawkmoths found throughout the tropics, Darwin’s hawkmoth, with its 9- to 14-inch-long coiled proboscis, is found only in Madagascar. Xanthopan morgani ...
The Atlas moth lives in Asia, from India to the Philippines and south to Indonesia. It belongs to the family Saturniidae, or giant silkworm moths, which has a worldwide distribution. The Atlas moth is ...
H. kubiniji inhabits the intertidal zone along Mexico’s Gulf of California, as well as parts of the Pacific Coast from California to Nicaragua. Scientists are working hard to address the mysterious ...
At 25 feet deep, the Philippine Coral Reef tank is one of the deepest and largest indoor display of living coral in the world. Under the surface, hundreds of fish mingle with eels, anemones, starfish, ...
The Center for Comparative Genomics (CCG) serves as the Academy's central hub for genomics and sequencing. Our facilities include a fully-equipped genomics laboratory, a frozen DNA CryoCollection, and ...
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The islands of the Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge are managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and are located nearly 30 miles off the coast of San Francisco. The Farallones host ...
Steinhart Aquarium’s colony of African penguins can be found at the end of Tusher African Hall. A colony of 15 – 18 African penguins can be viewed through a window that is 26 feet wide and 16 feet ...
In order to stay warm, a penguin must constantly work to keep their feathers clean, well-oiled, and waterproof. This behavior is called preening, and can be done while swimming or on land. Penguins ...
Although corals are tiny organisms, they construct some of the largest and most ecologically important structures in the world. Members of a diverse group that includes jellyfish and anemones, most ...
"Science is a racist institution to which all scientists belong, and in which we all participate. There are deep legacies of implicit and explicit racism rooted in the foundations of modern science, ...